Dr Justine Kluk - Consultant Dermatologist London

From Renowned Dermatologist and Acne Specialist

Dr. Justine Kluk


How to Identify
Your Unique Acne Type

Acne presents in many different ways.
Effective treatment depends upon knowing what kind of acne you actually have.

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Discover your acne type and
whether or not you truly have acne.

Most people are unaware that there are many different types of acne.

And then there are those who believe they have acne, but have a different skin condition altogether.

In this video lesson, extracted from my comprehensive course The Clear Skin Programme, you will learn how dermatologists see and classify acne —because, if you hadn’t looked closely, not all acne is created equal! You will get to examine examples of different types of acne lesions while we discuss the treatment implications of each type.

Your path to healing, supporting, and calming your skin requires knowing where to start.

This Video Training Is for You If…


most prevalent disease

Acne is the eighth most prevalent disease in the world. Not the eighth most prevalent skin disease—the eighth most prevalent disease, period.

0 %
 of people

will develop a condition like acne at some point in their lives.


of females in their 30's have breakouts

Acne regresses by the age of 25 for many people, but not all; up to a third of females in their thirties have breakouts.

0 %
 of people

who have acne will have permanent, irreversible scarring as a result of it.

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Meet Dr Justine Kluk


London’s leading acne dermatologist

Dr Justine Kluk is a Consultant Dermatologist & skincare expert with a specialist interest in acne treatment.

Having suffered from acne, she understands the frustration and helplessness it can cause. Her own personal experience was the reason she went to medical school to become a Dermatologist.

Combining the latest and most effective prescriptions with individualised instruction on skincare, Dr Justine’s acne treatment strategies are highly personalised, evidence-based and scientifically verified.

From Renowned Consultant Dermatologist

Dr. Justine Kluk

Clear Skin Programme

A Personalised Roadmap to Overcome Adult Acne for Women